You've been captured.

by: Aurora | Story In Progress | Last updated Dec 8, 2023

Just a random story I wrote a while back. It is deliberately over the top comic book hero villain nonsense. Involves age regression (duh) gender change, sexual content, diapers, mental regression. You've been captured by a mad scientist, or at least mildly irritated scientist, while seeking your friend, an incompetent would be vigilante. She seems to think that your mind is a wonderful thing to waste. Just a random story I wrote with a few specific readers in mind. It's not exactly Charles Dickens if you know what I mean.

Beep, Beep, Beep Brrr, Beep Brrr… Whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…Beep, Beep, Beep,  kssst… kssst…. kssst..Beep Brrr, Beep

You could feel a pressure on your right bicep, a tight squeeze, but not a crushing grip but tight enough to cut off blood flow for a few seconds.

And then….


The pressure ceased.

Your eyes opened, looking blearily out at your surroundings. It was hard to remember how you had gotten to the state you were currently in. At first, it was as if you had come into being quite at once, fully formed and here in this room surrounded by medical equipment.

As your vision cleared enough to see past your immediate proximity, you found you were in a white room, possibly in a basement? No. Yes? No. Something industrial. Not a private residence. A small part of it had been set up as a sort of… examination room?

There was a figure sitting at a desk, writing on a clipboard, a woman? Yes. Her hair dark with purple highlights, in a sort of white lab coat? She seemed to be monitoring something out of sight and taking notes on it.. You could also hear the sound of… giggling? As if a child at play, high pitched, a few nonsense noises and raspberry sounds, then more giggles.

You remembered in a burst as your mind came to alertness, your childhood friend had been called away from the party you were both attending by their “night job”. Some emergency. “You’re going to get yourself shot one of these days.” She had ignored you. Because of course she knew what she was doing. Oh yes. For by night, she was “The Veiled Noir, Masked Detective”, defender of justice, fighter of crime, unimaginative in name choice, and queen of drama.

Oh, to have been born in an alternate reality where criminals just stole money and bought stuff with it, rather than to steal cutting edge scientific equipment for nefarious purposes. Or at least to not have been the childhood friend of a well meaning but overall incompetent excuse of a vigilante.

When she had not returned, dangerous though it was, as her lone confidant you felt it was your duty to seek her out, and assure she was safe. Entering her apartment, you needed only pull out the correct book, titled “The Milkman Always Rings Thrice”, open the cover, and type in the secret code 8008135 into the concealed number pad, for the bookshelf to click and slowly swing open on hidden hinges to reveal the hidden lair of Noir. Kind of a walk in closet with a computer, probably used to research porn more than crime, a map with pins connected by yarn on the wall, and some other would be superhero  miscellany.

Securing a gps transponder tracker that had “Noirlocation device” written on the side with magic marker, you had found tracking her location easy, you were even starting to feel confident and proud of yourself as you observed the scene from a vantage point on a fire escape, gazing through a dirty window… Perhaps this superhero thing wasn’t all that hard after all. Noir was laying on a table of some kind, clearly restrained, though by what means were not visible, the woman however you recognized instantly from the news stories.

Lauren Mani, or “Doctor Mania” as the news would call her, because news editors can spot a catching headline when they see it. She was charged with multiple counts of practicing medicine without a license, usually on unwilling patients, kidnapping, arson, assault, illegal carrying of an unregistered ophthalmoscope, among other things. She was not what you would call mentally stable.

You had been in the process of formulating a plan, perhaps creating a commotion to draw her outside while you slipped in and freed your friend. Unfortunately before you could act on any of the plans you were considering, the window you were leaning against to see this scene swung in, and you fell forward head over heels. Luckily you landed on something very soft, so while stunned, the impact had not caused any actual injury. That was until you looked up to see the insane kidnapper standing over you. She had aimed a gun of some kind at you, said something about “Always with the distractions! Can’t I just work in peace?!” A bolt of light issued from the weapon, and then.. here you were, presumably bound to the same table your friend had been earlier.

Well. You aren’t dead. That’s at least a positive development.

Ahh, excellent you are awake! No no, don’t play possum, dear,  your heart and respiratory vitals on your monitor showed your rhythms change”.

You found something round and rubbery in your mouth, preventing you from forming any of the various choice words you may have liked to impeach her character with. Something was wrong though. The doctor was supposed to be in her 70s, most of the news stories used images from her glory days. However, her unblemished, unwrinkled skin, firm body, perky brea..demeanor, she looked more like she was between 17 and 23, healthy, clever, attractive if you were into wackos, not a rickety old hasbeen villain of yesteryear.

Now now, no struggling, I don’t want my little lab rat to hurt itself. Now, let's do a little preliminary observation of the subject. Don’t worry, nothing I’m going to do will cause you any pain, in fact, when I’m finished you’ll feel like a brand new person!”

Drawing out a pair of heavy weight scissors she began snipping your pants open at the ankle, then up along your thighs, and finally at your belt line, from here she could just tug them free from your body, she followed this by your briefs, exposing your manhood, before snipping her way up your shirt to your throat, and then along the shoulders, leaving you totally naked.

She began speaking into a recorder. “Subject species is sapient ape. Assigning subject number “626” for record. It is apparently cisgender male but will leave this field undetermined for now based on subject's cellphone browser history, approximately 35 years of age. Body state is…” she rubbed her finger along your belly, pinching a love handle” moderately overweight but not obese, subject also presents with body hair due to the influence of testosterone, multiple scars along the legs, chest, and abdomen ranging from approximately twelve inches to less than three centimeters, abdominal injuries indicative of “soon to be obsolete” surgical interventions, other scars appear to be normal wear and tear, no combat injuries indicated, subject also has numerous moles and freckles, reminder to monitor for treatment to correct these injuries and blemishes.”

Her touch was very gentle as she examined you here, and then there, cataloguing your body's details, it almost felt nice, motherly. Though what she was rambling about was anyone’s guess…

Penis is partially circumcised, fully erect, possibly due to restraint or nudity, may also be a reaction to sedative used, likely involuntary reflex, though I suspect the subject has a submissive nature. Neural scanner shows spiked activity in the Pallidum, ansa lenticularis, and hypthalamus regions of the brain corresponding with commentary about its inferior condition as a subject by a stronger and more intelligent woman. Penis dimensions are 5.1 centimeters wide, 4 centimeters tall, and 18 centimeters long. Patient is 183 centimeters in height, so penis is proportionately non remarkable. Partial circumcision appears to have been done without subject’s consent near birth. Utter savages. They mutilate baby boys and somehow I am the one who is unethical. Will monitor if this impacts restructuring, expectation is that compound 6478r5 will repair the foreskin or hood as applicable., r5 has shown significant healing properties while active in system….. Hm. Reminder, test sample of r5 on topical injuries to test if it can be used topically without the primary effects being triggered... On a different subject”

Your body felt very heavy, no real restraints, just, you couldn’t summon the energy to really move anything. Like gravity was about 1.5 to 2x its norm.. You could feel your self blushing hotly as she described your body and genitals as if you were being appraised.

Will be using video log for remainder of experiment for examination afterward. Or entertainment, whichever I am feeling at the time” she said, reaching above the odd exam table and lowering a sort of webcam type device from a mechanical arm suspended from one of the medical devices. It felt degrading to know you were being recorded naked without your permission.

She sat aside the recording device, presumably now being recorded on the camera audio, she then turned your cheek one way, then the other, then examining your eyes with a magnifying glass. “Subject appears to have not suffered any brain damage from sedative blaster, not that the functionality of the subject’s brain will matter shortly. Suspect subject already has moderately low IQ, perhaps 140 at best, there for I feel confident that I may consider their mind disposable.”

She paused a moment, then snorted and laughed softly, as if amused at her own joke “a disposable indeed.” She looked over her shoulder at something beyond your line of sight, then back at you.

You could feel your self heating up, getting mad at her talking about you in such insulting ways. Your IQ was in fact quite high.. at least the last time you’d taken an IQ test. The better part of 25 years previous.

Subject appears offended, I do not understand why. Will attempt to placate subject by explaining the contribution it is making towards science, will speak slooowly so that it can understand me.”

You felt the red rubber ball in your mouth squeeze between your teeth which were trying to grind ineffectually.

Well hello there!” The abnormally young looking doctor announced with a prattle and a sense of excitement to see you, as if she were talking to a pet or a very small child. Leaning in close to speak to you on your own level she continued “You are going to be my teeeest suuubjeect today. Do you know what a teeeest suuubjeeect is?”

As furious as you were, a cold spike of fear ran through you at the realization that this lunatic was about to do.. who knows what to you. Nothing good surely.

You see, experiment subject 626, I am not sure if you are familiar with my career, but I am Doctor Lauren Mani. If you are familiar, you may notice, that my age does not match my physical appearance. This is because my experimentation on nearly mindless apes such as your self, has allowed me to discover the proverbial fountain of youth!”

Yeah, or a really good plastic surgeon.

Managing to wiggle around some was about the best resistance you could offer.

I have created a youth serum to roll back the clock of age and disease! And they called me mad! MAD I TELL YOU! As it happens I, infact, am quite insane but who uses a word like “mad” in this day and age. It’s “problematic”, don’t you agree? No?.. Oh right you can’t talk, I’ll just assume you agree. But yes, mad, wacko, fruit loops, cuckoo for cocoa puffs, etcetera. All very hurtful.”

She sighed dramatically.

Rejected from university after university because my research methods were “unethical”, and then I tried to find employment in the pharmaceutical industry, only to find out that my research methods were TOO ETHICAL for those boneheaded morons. BUT NOW! I SHALL SHOW THEM ALL! MAWAHAHAHAHA!”

The criminally insane lunatic is too ethical to work for the drug industry?... Being honest that kinda tracks, not that it did much to help your circumstances.

You see, Subject 626, eternal youth is only the beginning. With further experimentation I have discovered that my formula may be administered in gaseous form, and in the correct formulation, can not only return a patient to the peak of their physical health, but speed past that all the way back into babyhood itself!”

Your eyes locked on the monologuing “doctor”, she wasn’t planning on doing that to you was she?

Imagine! No more kings! No more tyrants! No more fascists or bigots!” she giggled in apparent delight “I can even use it to feminize the brutal patriarchs of our society who metastasize toxic masculinity into the minds of innocent young boys! Reduce the vermin into sweet little angels so they will have a fresh chance to learn the error of their ways… After they’ve mastered potty training.” She took a test tube from a tube stand, it was full of pink, oddly glowing fluid. “All the filth destroying our government, our society, our economy, our planet, all of them reduced to nothing more than mindless drooling infants who’s only contribution to the world will be their used diapers. Isn’t it perfect?!”

Well. Perhaps if she wasn’t experimenting on you it might sound a little more appealing.

We can even do away with prisons! Homelessness! Rehab hospitals! The criminals! The drug addicts! The dregs of society!!” she giggled manically. “I’ll turn them all into babies!”

Ah. She was equal opportunity crazy, maybe she should have stopped on the previous note.

She was interrupted from her rant by a small voice from the floor. From the inclined table you could just lift your head enough to spot a small child, a girl clearly… naked except for a thick diaper, she looked maybe 24 months old, holding a clipboard. There was something familiar about the child’s dark hair and clueless expression.

Ms. Law’en?”

The doctor knelt down on one knee “Yes kitten?”

I d’aw pi’sha fow yoo..”

She held up the clip board. The crazy woman cooed in affection and admired the crayon scribbling.

This is amazing! I’m going to put it up on the fridge just as soon as I’m done working, okay?” she said, moving a hand to check the girls diaper, apparently satisfied it was dry.

whuh yu doin?” the child asked curiously, indifferent to the invasion of her privacy, and was lifted off her feet by the doctor and placed on the woman’s hip.

Do you know this person?” she asked.

The girl sucked her thumb, staring at you for a long time, her eyes were wide and vacant but the hair and eye color were the same as your friend’s. Finally she said around her thumb “uh huh.. dah befd fwen” her already poor speech further hampered by having a digit pressed against her tongue. “pway?”

You perhaps felt your gut churn at seeing what had become of your best friend, well meaning but bungling would be superhero that she was, or dread roll down your spine like ice water that you were the next victim to be reduced to… that.

Since he is your friend, would you like me to let him go? Or shall I turn him into baby girl like you so you have a play mate?”

The toddler, clearly not having the cognitive faculties to know how to put on her own clothes, let alone make moral decisions, of course said “wanna pway!” throwing her hands up in the air as she shouted this.

The doctor grinned smugly at you, not cruel, or spiteful, but definitely smug, and patted the girl on her thickly diapered bottom “Would you like to help make him a baby?” The tot nodded “uh huh! me he’p!” it was hard to fault someone who had their iq reduced to pocket change

The doctor sat the child on your sternum, facing you, for the moment all you could see was the familiar, if somewhat distorted by youth and baby fat, face of your friend, her pink baby fat coated chest and tummy, and a pink and white diaper with little pink and purple stars printed on the synthetic cloth lining.. it rustled more than crinkled, and she smelled, well, like a baby, powder and baby oil and all that.  The child reached down with sticky fingers to play with your hair and face curiously.

You looked at your dear best friend pleadingly, begging her to help you somehow, but unable to even form a single word. The baby looked at your pleading face uncomprehendingly, clearly not understanding what the look meant, she softly put her finger to your gagged lips and whispered “shh..shh.. no sad, me fix” You couldn’t even shake her off or you would risk hurting her. She was so sweet, so gentle, innocent, she didn’t know what she was participating in, didn’t understand. You couldn’t fault her for that.

And then without so much as a blink, wince, or blush, you noticed the diaper beginning to heat against you, and the shapes began fading from her padding, showing no concern at all that she was using her diaper right in front of you instead of the potty, revealing what you were about to be reduced to. Just a dumb little baby, unremarkable compared to any other, not even smart for your age.

Here you go little one, feed him his baby baba like you fed your baby doll” she nodded and stuck the nipple of the bottle into the breath hole in the gag, a cool bubble gum flavored substance pouring out onto your tongue without you really needing to suck, though when you tried to resist by not swallowing, the doctor would “help” by pinching your nose for a few seconds to insist you swallowed.

Soon the bottle was empty and the tot said “aw gone!” and the doctor responded softly “That’s right, he sure is, all gone byebye..”

With that you felt your body begin to tingle, especially in your chest and down between your legs.. and a sort of tugging sensation, both in your legs, and torso, as if both ends were pulling towards the middle..

The doctor watched, grinning, her hands were on her hips, you could plainly see the toddler sized diaper in her left hand, the same hand also clutching what appeared to be a pacifier. It wasn’t hurting, in fact, in its strange way, it felt… kinda good… you could feel that toddlers wet, padded bottom getting larger on your chest as you shrunk beneath it, helpless.

Your chest developed a little extra fat  around your mammary glands, no actual breasts forming but enough to distinguish, you could feel something happening between your legs as well. You couldn’t see, but your penis was decreasing in size, proportionately much faster than the rest of your body, the testicles slowly pulling up inside, you could feel something shifting around inside as your penis was diminished to more glans than shaft, hovering over an empty, crumpled, and slowly tightening scrotum. You could feel something clench inside, hard to describe, kind of up inside your butt, and feel your testicles deep inside your belly, both sending something hot flooding up your small functionless penis.

You heard a snort of laughter as something hot rushed out the tip of your glans, for a moment you’d thought you’d wet yourself, only to realize in shame that it was the other thing, how disgraceful, not that you had chosen for it to happen.

Now empty, your new ovaries lifted up, up, up into your tummy, your tight scrotum going mostly smooth and filling in as the belly of what was left of your penis began to yawn open, the glans remaining mostly in place but growing smaller, smaller, as the belly of your shaft split and merged with your once scrotum to become a vulva, there was only a little twinge as your urethra separated from the tube that connected to your prostate, which now moved further downward, toward the bottom of the once pouch of flesh, near your anus. It slowly dilated, spreading wider, but not so much wider, as you felt your prostate warp and distort, and conform to a new shape and purpose, a uterus, one that might be filled with life one day… Were you to be allowed to grow up a second time.

The distorting of your organs wasn’t exactly “pleasant” but it wasn’t painful either.

By the time you neared the beginning of puberty from the wrong direction, you were now completely female, your once glans and foreskin now a clitoris and its hood, your urethra having it’s own dedicated exit… which by the way you were starting to need to pee really bad… the tube that once carried your seed out of your body now served the opposite function, you could feel the doctor gently cleaning you of the disgusting mess you’d made with a baby wipe.

The gag was starting to hurt your jaw at this point, and the wicked doctor could clearly tell, rather than indifference she leaned over you and kissed your forehead maternally… carefully removing the ball from between your teeth.

You felt yourself take a breath and open your mouth to tell the bitch what you thought of her, but she laid a finger across your lips her, much larger now, the touch reaching all the way from your button nose down to your chin, and you found that this was all it took, no screaming, no cursing, was this your own submission to allow this woman to work her will on you? Or was it an effect of the drugs? Or maybe it was that you were getting little enough that your brain just wanted to obey the adults around you..

She moved the pacifier from the hand holding the diaper, the shield was butterfly shaped, with a little icon that showed an “unlocked” symbol on the center cap, and traced it along your lower lip, making steady eye contact with you. “Gah..” you managed, and slid your tongue out past your lower lip, and rewarded with a rubber nipple in your mouth. She tapped the unlocked icon on the pacifier, and it changed to locked, the symbol glowing pink, you could feel yourself sucking on it slowly, unable to not do so, oddly giving a sense of calm and contentedness. It had been small at first, but it was rapidly starting to fill the correct amount of your mouth… she lifted your legs by the calves in frying pan sized hands, and rubbed her thumbs along your tiny feet..

She didn’t seem so wicked now… Almost like she wanted you to enjoy your new life as a baby, like it mattered to her that you felt safe and happy.. She had bats in the belfry but she was at least a kind psycho.

The soggy baby was lifted off your chest, not that she weighed much, and then you felt your own body being lifted. like it weighed nothing, the feeling of her labcoat was a little rough against your bare skin, and then you were laid down on a warm padded surface, a changing table.

You shook your head frantically and held up a hand defensively as she lifted you by your ankles, your plump, pudgy, baby body so fresh and pink as it was lifted up up up above your head, with nothing worth mentioning between those pudgy little legs, kind of a crease of fat and nothing more, your bottom was rested down into the dense padding, a soft moan escaping your lips as giant hands rubbed sweet smelling baby oil along your bare skin,chest, tummy, your mound and vulva, your butt, before lifting the diaper front, and taping it snug around your precious little tummy.. She sat you up and rubbed down your back, turning you on the table to look at yourself in the mirror.

You could feel your belly flutter, yes, there in the mirror was a baby girl, with your hair, longer now, more feminine, and your eyes… sucking on that pacifier, it visibly bobbing up and down.. also it was getting really hard to hold your water, but you didn’t want to give her the satisfaction obviously. Though it was starting to get hard to remember why you wouldn’t want to make the silly adult happy, your iq already starting to sink rapidly.

She saw you gesturing in frustration at the baby in the mirror, she leaned down and kissed your right earlobe and whispered “It’s okay if you don’t like being a baby girl… It’s only going to matter a few more seconds anyway, and then” she made a wet popping noise in your ear with her lips, “That sweet little brain is going to go pop! just like a balloon, pop, all gone.

You shook your head desperately, you didn’t want your mind to go pop, you liked having thoughts and dry pants and being able to stay up late and and and…

The woman shhhhed you and turned your face to the mirror, even as you grasped your diaper between your legs, trying so hard not to wet.

Shhhhh kitten” she whispered, talking to you now as she had the other baby girl, your beloved friend, “Look here, look right here” she indicated the face of the girl in the mirror. When your brain goes bye bye you can really tell from the facial expression.”

You could hear yourself whining and squirming fussily, you weren’t going to get dumb, your brain wasn’t gonna turn to mush. You didn’t want to be just a stupid mindless baby girl. You started doing math problems in your head, spelling hard words… but each one by the second was getting harder.

It’s okay baby, you can fight, and resist, just hold on tight a little bit longer… but all of your thoughts are already slipping out of your head..” She touched your forehead, and traced her finger down your cheek, and neck. “Then dooown your chest and tummy” continuing to trace the route your thoughts were supposedly taking from your head and down through your body.. “And they’re all down here now.” she tapped your belly over your swollen bladder…

You shook your head again, that didn’t sound possible, thoughts couldn’t just leave your head and go down to your tummy, that was silly. but your tummy was really starting to hurt, maybe having thoughts was bad…

It’s true honey, you don’t have any thoughts left, not a single one, your brain is just a happy little baby brain, nice and dumb and empty. your old mind is just peepee now, better put it in your diaper where that silly old adult mind belongs. Just push  out all those thoughts and cognitive functions right into your diaper, let it be your diaper’s mind from now on, until I roll it up and drop it in the diaper bin, that’s right, your mind is going to be just a dirty diaper in a trash can, all gone forever.

Such a silly thought, your mind being reduced to a used diaper and getting thrown away! You couldn’t help but giggle out loud, then you almost wet and held your self even harder between your legs. “NUHH!” you managed to shout past your pacifier.

Come on little one, you can do it, piss your little brains blank for aunty Lauren, time to be just a dumb little baby! Yes it is! Yes it is!” she cooed fondly.

You shouted out  “I duh wanna pee mah bwain ouw in maw diapuuuhh!”

This would be a rather ignoble thing to be someone’s very last coherent thought before they descended into the cognitive oblivion of babyhood… Unfortunately for you that was exactly the case.

You felt a moment of confusion, and then a tremendous sense of relief as you felt your bladder start emptying into your fresh diaper, your hands holding your diaper as you began to flood it, after your need being so great, so desperate, the simple pleasure of peeing your pants might well be the single best thing you had ever felt… The distraction was all that was needed for your higher mental functions to shut down permanently, light switches flicking off one by one in the different rooms of your brain. Math, science, reading, writing, even letters and numbers, all of it dissolving away as your vocabulary evaporated almost before your eyes…

In a matter of moments you had gone from having a college reading level with a relatively high IQ, to having a vocabulary that in its entirety spanned less than 100 words and an IQ of exactly 10. Okay sure there were decades worth of memories crammed in that pile of mush between your ears, but you were now just a two year old baby girl, and not even a particularly clever one.

You didn’t really know who that silly girl was that was staring vacantly into your eyes, she looked like you, and her chin was wet where she had drooled a little, she was holding her diaper with a look of rapture on her face, her eyes fogging over as her mind went blank. Maybe she had just went peepee in her pants like you had. That baby girl looked dumb. Dumb enough to not even know she was looking at herself.

You saw another baby girl sitting nearby, you knew that one, she was your friend. You rolled onto your back and reached out at her face, giggling, the other girl scooting over on her knees and the two of you began to play together, heads empty, diapers soaked…

This is what happens to silly boys and girls who try to play hero, they get turned into brainless little babies. But it sure is fun making them this way.

Some time later.

An older woman, in her late 60s, slept peacefully in her bed. She didn’t hear the door creek open, nor did the shadow passing over her wake her. Not even the pinch of the needle entering her arm stir her, the doctor was quite practiced after all. Very carefully Lauren Mani crept back to the door she had entered through, in the bed now lay not a elderly woman who had been much loved and cared for by her son, but a vibrant young woman in her early 20s, it was only right she do at least this much.

You had been carefully laid beside her, wearing a sleeper covered with prints of Stitch, the disney character, doing all sorts of naughty things, your new sister laid out beside you, her self wearing just a pink my little pony onesie, both of you thickly diapered, your minds quite gone save for the important things, when the woman awoke, she would not only feel young and strong, but an overpowering maternal longing… and two precious baby girls for her to pamper and play with to her hearts content. If she need any explanation a flash drive had been clipped to your sleeper’s zipper that read “Watch me”. Your mother would then know what had become of you and your friend.

They would perhaps even be happier this way.

She wasn’t a bad person.. A villain sure, entirely, entirely insane, clearly, but she did her best to follow her moral compass, even if it did spend most of it’s time spinning as if it were caught in a tornado. She closed the door, and then reviewed her hit list.

A word of advice. Invest in diapers, the demand is about to skyrocket, but you didn’t hear it from me.



End Chapter 1

You've been captured.

by: Aurora | Story In Progress | Last updated Dec 8, 2023


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ijones72 · Jan 15, 2024

Really fun lil read, tickles all the right sorta boxes I look for in an age regression story.

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