Sugarplum 11

by: magicgirldiapers | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 15, 2008

Vern's new room

Chapter 1
The Crib

Chapter Description: Vern's new room

Sugarplum 11

The Crib

When Vern awoke the next morning he was thankful to realize that he hadn’t had any more nightmares through the night. If he did, at least he didn’t remember them. A few seconds went by before he noticed, laying on his side under the pink fuzzy blanket in the fort he, Jill, and Anna had constructed, that his thumb was in his mouth, and his jaw and mouth were sucking on it comfortably. He figured that his pacifier had slipped from him mouth during his sleep (it was on the pillow next to him) and his body reacted, wanting to be physically and emotionally comforted, by naturally making Vern suck his thumb.

His mind flickered back to the nightmare he had. Nightmare? He thought, and he gave a startled little laugh in his head.

It was a funny sort of feeling. The more he classified it as a nightmare, the stranger he felt about himself. Though it was only in his mind, he still actually felt himself man’s body. It felt so clunky and unfamiliar, even though he was just sitting on the floor in his diaper at the time. He had spent 40+ years as a man, conscious of his body, used to it, familiar with where his body ended and his clothes and the surrounding air began. But after just a month or so in a little girl’s body he had grown comfortable. He liked feeling more aware of his own body and skin. He liked feeling more delicate and slight. For one thing, it was less flesh to lug around.

In the nightmare, what had horrified him most was the alien quality of his body. He thought he looked like an ogre. He remembered how he had looked at his own hands, and it looked as though he had someone else’s arms sewn into his shoulders.

But, and he chuckled to admit it, having a vagina was something that he was unsure about. He felt having a penis and testicles in his dream, and he remembered how that felt on his body. It seemed to be the only thing about his male life that he could specifically identify.

He hadn’t gotten used to having a vagina yet and he didn’t really see it happening any time soon. But he did know in his heart that he preferred it. At least it didn’t get in the way... literally. He remembered getting erections for no reason, just like any other guy, and sometimes it ended in very embarrassing ways. Now with a vagina he rarely had to think about it. It was hidden even further under the fluffy diapers.

He actually looked down at the crotch of his diaper, imagining himself naked.

It only solidified his girlishness. His mind’s eye wandered over his hairless prepubescent body and immediately felt more babyish. He realized that eventually puberty would kick in. He would grow breasts. He would menstruate. He cringed. Maybe he could ask Carrie if he could stay a little girl forever. He didn’t want to go through that. But he always wondered what it would be like to have breasts. And even if Carrie gave him the privilege of remaining a little girl, there would be no possible way to explain that to Jill or Anna.

He pulled the thumb from his mouth with great difficulty. At the moment his mouth yearned to suckle on something. It kept his mind busy. He looked down at his thumb, pruned and whitened from being in his mouth for so long.

Jill woke up a few minutes later, yawning and stretching. After rubbing her eyes to remove the sand-man’s traces, she sat up and spotted Vern awake. “Morning...” she said groggily.

“Morning” Vern said, smiling.

“Any more nightmares?” Jill asked.

“Nope. None.” Vern said, looking at Anna, still asleep. She was drooling slightly onto her pillow.

After a while and a little more hushed gir chat, Anna woke up. She blushed at the dark spot of drool on her pillow. The three girls laughed it off, deciding that it was a good thing that at least one of them drooled. That seemed to be more babyish.

The bright morning sun seemed to diminish the campsite like quality of the blanket and pillow fort, so they disassembled it, folded the blankets as best they could, and trotted off to the kitchen where they settled for breakfast.

Anna hadn’t wet her diaper in her sleep. Neither had the rest of them. Interestingly enough, seeing as how Anna needed diapers, and Carrie had cursed Vern into needing them as well. Vern figured that neither of them had enough to drink to wet their diapers while sleeping. The three girls settled at the kitchen table and each had a bowl of Kix cereal. They munched and munched and talked and talked and soon decided on what they were to do for the rest of the weekend.

They didn’t like the idea of wasting the rest of the weekend in lack of each others’ presence. None of them had much to do besides sit at home. Vern, seizing an opportunity out of thing air, said, “Why not my house? You two can sleep over.”

And so the plans were decided by the three of them, immaturely behind their parents’ backs, as if anything they would say could sway their guardian’s mind. Oddly enough, when presented with the idea, none of the mothers seemed to have much disagreement towards them. Vern called Carrie and asked her if it was alright, and after a split second of dead air from the other end, Vern heard Carrie’s voice say, “Alright, Sugarplum. You can have your friends over. You three should have a good time.” The click of the phone hitting the receiver preceded the beeping dial tone in Vern’s ear. He didn’t like the mischievous ringing of Carries pearly-white voice.

He tried to push ti from his mind as the three girls continued to waste away the remaining hour before Jill’s mother would take all three of them to Vern’s house. They crawled around on their hands and knees, colored in coloring books, played with teddy bears, cooed and giggled, practiced baby talk, and sucked thumbs until they were white and pruned. Soon, the time came when Jill?s mother told them that they were to gather their things and to pile their diapered bottoms into the car. They did as they were told, and Vern directed Jill?s mother to his home with ease. They shuffled out of the car, fluffy diapered bottoms bounding as they crawled backwards out of the back seat one by one. Carrie had the door open and was greeting them all before Vern made it to the front doorstep.

Eyeing Carrie slightly as he pushed past the threshold into the house, Vern led the two girls into the house as Jill’s mother chatted about grown-up things at the door. Up the staircase and down the hall the three girls went, carrying their things.

When Vern Turned into the open doorway of his room, or what he thought was his room, his mouth seemed to lose its muscles. His bottom jaw hung open, and even Jill looked shocked at what they were looking at.

They were staring into Vern’s room, but it didn’t look like it had done the last time Vern and Jill had seen it. It was still pink and girlish, but the emphasis was now focused on Vern’s new age preference.

In place of the dresser there now sat a changing table. It was light pink and frilly, covered in images of stuffed teddy bears with wide smiling faces. Each teddy bear was clothed in a fluffy white diaper. A short stack of diapers was piled on the changing table. There was a rocking horse in the corner, it was brown and beautiful as it looked out the window with bronze eyes. In the other corner, a square playpen sat looking very inviting, with baby toys and teddy bears already lining its walls. The room was much lighter, as the pink was more suited for a baby, instead of the deep, dark pink of a first-grade girl. There were more baby motifs and less Disney Princess pictures.

The biggest change was Vern’s bed, which was now much smaller and lower to the floor. White bars stretched from the bed frame up towards the ceiling. A mobile hung over the crib, turning slowly and hypnotically in mid-air. A tiny tune was playing out of it.

A crib.

Vern moved slowly into the room followed by the two girls, not knowing is he should be confused, angry, or elated. After a few seconds, elation overcame him, and he looked at the crib. A crib, for him. A real baby’s crib! It was magnificent! And the changing table! It looked so inviting. He thought about wetting his diaper just so he could use it.

“Where did this stuff come from?!” Jill cried happily and a little jealously. Vern snapped out of his thoughts.

“I-I don’t know.” Vern said. He couldn’t see how Carrie could get all of this stuff in the house. Then he realized stupidly that she was a witch. She could do anything she wanted. He waddled into the room and placed a hand onto the crib’s bars, expecting them to disappear. But they didn’t and his heart inflated.

Just then, Carrie appeared in the doorway. “How do you like it, girls?” she said, leaning on the doorframe.

“Where did you get this stuff?” Vern asked.

“I ordered it. I wanted it to arrive while you were away at Jill’s” she explained as she strode into the room to Vern. She picked him up under his arms and lifted him to eye-level. “And it did.” She went on. “If my little Sugarplum wants to be a widdle baby again, she might as well live like one.” And she kissed him motherly on the cheek. Jill and Anna looked jealous of Vern. They wanted cribs and changing tables and rocking horses and playpens too.

They eagerly played in the playpen for a good portion of the day. Even though they played the same games as they had played while in the living room or under their fort, it seemed more fun while surrounded by soft mesh walls.

Very soon, Vern felt the front of his diaper beginning to feel warm. He smiled as he knew his diaper was turning yellow under his onesie. He’d have to be changed. He wanted the feeling of being changed on a changing table like a real baby.

Almost as if she knew it intuitively, or if she had caused it herself, Carrie entered the room asking, “How are you girl’s doing? I made each of you a warm ba-ba of milk. Aww doesn?t widdle Vewonica look adorable standing at the side of her playpen?”

“Mommy...” Vern said, trying to seem embarrassed, “I wet my diaper. Can you change me?”

It didn’t work to well. Carrie smiled and looked at Vern, “Is my little snookums excited to try out her new changing table?” and without waiting for a reply, she snatched up Vern by the underarms and carried him to the changing table, where the onesie was soon unsnapped, and Vern was laying half-naked on a soft, new changing table. He didn’t even mind that Jill and Anna were watching him.

It felt different. Sure, the diaper being changed was the same as ever. But the thought that his naked bottom had rested on the soft fresh changing table made his heart beat a mile a minute.

It seemed over too soon.

Later that night, after Jill and Anna had also been changed by Carrie, much to their embarrassment, Vern and the other girls began to take out blankets and pillows from the closet to make a new fort. But Carrie stopped them.

“Just what do you girls think your doing with those blankets?” She asked.

“Making a fort to sleep in.” said Anna happily.

“You’ll be sleeping in Veronica’s new crib tonight.” Carrie said.

Vern twitched. He had wanted to sleep in the crib since he saw it, but he saw a flaw in the idea. “But... it’s too small. It’s only big enough for two.” Vern said.

“Oh, don’t be silly Veronica. You three will fit just fine. Off you go, now. I’ll be there in a minute to get you all in.”

Vern dropped the pillows on the floor and trotted to his room, unsure of what to think. Soon, after a minute or two or waiting, the three girls saw Carrie enter the bedroom. She lifted up Jill by the arms and placed her into the crib. Then Anna was next. Then finally Vern.

As if it was some magic portal, the moment he passed into the crib he felt as thought he was different. Being placed into the crib felt something like being pushed through warm mud that was slightly charged with electricity. When his bottom hit the mattress of the crib, the sensation was gone. He looked around, expecting Jill and Anna to be squished close to him.

It was at though he was part of an optical illusion. The crib seemed much bigger then it had before. The inside of the crib was spacious, big enough for all three girls to lay down in. He looked between the bars of the crib. The room was the same. It hadn’t changed in size at all. He thought he had been shrunk to the size of a real baby. He looked at his hands and his own body. It was the same. He wasn’t a baby. Neither were Anna and Jill who were already crawling around the crib.

He trued to stand up to walk past Jill to get to the head of the crib where the large teddy bear Mr. Nibbles sat waiting. As soon as his back was straight upright, his head gave a violent lurch of dizziness and his legs began to wobble weakly, and he fell backwards onto his diapered behind. He couldn’t even stand up. If he didn’t look like a baby, he sure felt like one.

The three girls enjoyed the crib to its fullest. They looked between the bars of the crib like prisoners eagerly waiting for a meal. They crawled back and forth across the crib and curled up in balls like kitties finding a good place to nap. After a long time, or maybe no time at all, the three girls began to yawn in tiredness. Carrie soon entered and flipped the light switch, bathing the room in darkness save for the bright night-light and the stars twinkling outside. They each grabbed a pacifier and snuggled under the blanket. With a teddy bear under an arm and their feet close together for warmth, they each lay on their backs looking up at the mobile, which was revolving slowly playing a quiet tune. Then their eyes soon became heavy and one by one, they fell asleep, the mobile’s quiet tune dancing around in their ears.

To Be Continued

(Still yet more to come soon. Leave one or multiple comments. I love reading them.)

(these stories are inspired by the short story Sugarplum written by filthymind at the ARArchive)



End Chapter 1

Sugarplum 11

by: magicgirldiapers | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 15, 2008


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